Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Too much on my mind.

It's nearly 2 a.m in the morning...
I'm yawning like nobdy business and i can't sleep.
Suddenly i feel like blogging. Blogging everything that is in my mind.
Early this afternoon, as usual, i was bloghopping from 1 blog to another blog and i discovered sumthing.
Sumthing that made my heart jump. I was shaking like hell.
I was utterly confused. I could not think for a while. And for a minute, i thought i was dreaming.
Nope. I am not dreaming. And it's true.
And for a while....i thought..why?
Why? And why?
But i know that my questions could not be answered.
It's now up to HIM to answer all of my questions that i have already listed in my mind.
But i sincerey feel that he will not answer all of my question. ( exaggerating. Maybe he'll answer one or two but not all i guess.)
He'll simply shurg his shoulders and flashed me the so not heart-melting smile..duh~~ also not sure in what state i am right now.
Feelingless? ( there such thing as feelingless? Hahaha just put it like this "dah takde perasaan!!!!")

*things to be done *
Go to Al-Attas this coming monday.
Sambut kak Mai's birthday.
ps: if you are reading this, i'll hope that you will understand my situation. i felt so manipulated. (-_-")
Just to tell you that i've crushed my utterly huge ego JUST for you.

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